Friday, December 16, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Scott Hall, a professional wrestler, abuses drugs.  He has gone to rehab ten times. His ex-wife says he is addicted to wrestling as much as he is to cocaine and alcohol. Because of all this he goes to hospitals constantly. He is also on eleven different medications and has a pacemaker to regulate his heart. All of this is because he abused drugs. His friends expected him to die for years, he just never would.
His son now wants to be a professional wrestler. Just without the drugs and steroids like his father used. Cody Hall wants  to set an example of how with effort and without drugs you can become your dream. Scott Hall is very proud of his son. He just only wishes that he was there more when he was younger. Now Cody is getting trained by Scott, and learning all his best moves.

Scott Hall
Cody Hall

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Josiah, a little baby boy, has the body age of a ten year old, but is still the size of a one year old. Only 13 kids in the world have this disease. Only fifteen and a half pounds this little boy loves baseball. Everyday he asks his family to play baseball. One day he asked the coach of the local little league to let him play. He hit the ball and ran as fast as he could to first base. Now he plays for his team, the white socks, and everyone knows who he is. At the final game over 1,000 people came to watch or play with Josiah. Even though he has this disability he still plays his dream and he will until it hits the end. When people yell and chant his name, he constantly smiles. Josiah has led many people to believe that they can do anything, and you can.

~Josiah Playing his dream sport~


Hahahaha... Christmas memories , Claymation Christmas- Singing camels

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Work to ride. This program allowed some boys from the streets of a bad neighborhood to come and ride horses. They didn't just ride, they played polo. When people think of polo, people think rich. In this case, it was some poor boys. They had no where to train and barely any tack supplies. Yet they started to beat other teams.

They had their hardships though. One of the best players on the team was shot dead at her house right after polo practice. Then the team captain got into drugs and landed jail time. Yet they still made it to the nationals and beat a polo team from a fancy club in Baltimore. This just goes to show you what can happen when you put your mind to something and strive to achieve it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Women should be seen and heard. In Jerusalem, women can not be seen alone or be seen not wearing the full outfit that covers everything but their eyes. Women should be heard, not be painted over if their is a picture of a woman on a bus. Some women here dress a little "uncovered", but not to the extreme that they have to be. There they have no rights, here we have more than almost all countries combined. It is almost unfair to compare the two. They need to have more rights, hopefully in the next few years.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Distracted drivers. more that 3,000 deaths from texting and driving or talking while driving. almost half of teens text behind the wheel. When you are texting it means you aren't looking at the road. Most people believe they can control what they are doing but you really can't. Driving and not paying attention is a very bad idea. Don't drive and text people. It's that simple!

This church has it right...

Friday, December 9, 2011


Mr. b and an article:

Virginia Tech is visited by another crazed gun man. The gun man shot one student and another police man. The police man "was covered in blood, and I don't know if it was from his head, his face or what exactly..." Says a freshman at VT. The police man left behind a wife and five children, all very young. Some say that when the gun man came and started shooting, some people went out to their cars to get a weapon because they aren't allowed on campus, that is when one student was shot in the parking lot. It may have been the gun man was trying to take his car and the student wouldn't allow it. He fled on foot and has not been found yet. The campus lock down has just been lifted and a vigil will be held for the police man and the student.


I took the middle way, we just randomly picked ways. The hall way I took was very dark, with only the trail of sparkling dust at my feet to guide me. We walked a long way until I bumped into a wall. I  guess mine was a dead end.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

The Mythbusters are in the hot seat. They were trying out a new cannon and it was supposed to hit some trashcans. Instead it hit a house! The owner of the house is amazed. Who wouldn't be, he had a cannonball go through his house. Mythbusters in an amazing show but they need to work on their aim!


Nothing to do with anything, except Christmas....  Digital Christmas Story!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

School rejects a 13- year old  honor student with HIV. The school said he was a "direct threat". The student says, " I'm not a threat to anyone". In this PA school, they are worried that he will have sex with a girl and pass along the HIV virus. Ronda Goldfein, lawyer for the student, goes on CNN to talk about this case and how other cases like this  have happened before. This should never happen to a child. If I was the kid I would almost feel ashamed, but I think I would be more outraged.

This is the school in PA that is not allowing this child in.


The cork ran into a wall, I guess the corks' power is lingering. We pulled back on the doors intricate handle made from pure bronze. Behind it were 3 path ways. One was pink, one was blue, the other was silver. The cork dropped into the bowl at our feet. It officially died. We had 3 people/ bunnies left. Everyone take a path, i don't know how this will work out.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Mr.B and an article:

Wearing your tent... What will be next.  Police all over the U.S. have been tearing down occupiers' tents. Now the occupiers are wearing their tents so they can't tear them down. What is happening to society and or government that we now allow such foolish and stupid acts to go on. The police just need to arrest them and their tents for disturbing the peace and get them out of our parks and malls for this Christmas season. This occupy has officially taken a fatal turn, one occupier was already found dead of  unknown causes in his tent. How far will this thing go?


The trap door is well, stuck. We may need some WD40 or just some serious bunny power.... Eventually we got it open. It was really bright at first, then it went pitch black. They did this new light dance. It went from dark to bright pink light! Its amazing how these actually work. I can't remember how many days or even how many traps we have gone through. This should be fun.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

"Church bans interracial marriage." Stella S. Harville is trying to marry an African- American and are now being banned from church. This is taking place in Indiana, there the pastor has decided that he won't marry them. They voted 9-6 for this idea. The new pastor isn't in favor of this and there will be another vote but the idea that they won't marry you just because you are of a different race is wacky. You should be able to marry whoever you want. No  matter what their race.


Reaching the end of the universe is an achievement, but we still are far away from Max. Well the end of the universe, looks like the end. The only thing here is a diner... I think I'll pass. There isn't anything special but if you go to the back of the diner there is a trap door, I think that is meant for us. Yes I am channeling Spaceball the movie.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

What is really cool is that in England, EBAY has a pop up store. This store has all you can want in it. They all have tags with qr codes. What you do, is you take a picture on your smart phone or ipad, it goes to EBAY and there you can change the color and size of what you want. The have gifts for men and women and even for the whole family. Once you buy it, it can be shipped to your door before Christmas. Shopping this way seems to be a new, popular thing.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

"Three teens save drowning toddler," This is what is on Prime Time News. These teens were just fishing along the canal when they noticed a drowning 3-year old who had wandered from his backyard. These teenagers should be commended for their life saving actions. When asked how they felt about what they did they just said,"I'm happy we were here and not playing video games". Johnny Grail and Antonio Ezzo, both 14, and Michael Dusek, 17, are becoming big stars for saving the boys life. The toddler is doing just fine now.


Well crossing the universe is easier than you would think. The elder bunny, Aaron, found a giant-bubble-blowing-giant; sweet isn't it. We had the giant, blow bubbles around us so that we could float. As long as we don't run into any stars or space debris we should be fine. So far we have been in the bubble, traveling at "ludicrous" speed for 18 hours. We should reach the end in a couple of days.

Amazing how Spaceballs the movie comes in handy.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

The wonderful TSA, already getting in some trouble this holiday season. The controversy this season, is again, racial profiling. They have decided that American-Muslims are the ones to watch out for. The thing with this is that there are a lot of homegrown terror. Homegrown terror can be anyone, that is the tricky thing about it. If we just target American-Muslims, we may miss someone who is actually a danger. Should we be profiling people who look different, no. We should be watching for weapons and people who look like they want to hurt you.


Continuing on our journey up the tower we find a very wide room. I think this has some serious magic because this room is a solar system! It is amazing what can fit in here. Well we have to cross the universe... fun!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

What is it with perverted teachers? All of a sudden there are so many teachers and coaches that are being accused of being perverts. On top of Bernie Fine being accused of being a sexual abuser and molestation, his wife Laurie Fine is also accused of abusing a child. With three men coming forward accusing Bernie Fine of sexual abuse, this may prompt others to come out. The allegations cover a period from the 1980s to the 1990s. We need to start background checking our coaches. They think they can just get by with no one ever knowing.


To stop the flooding apparently you had to sing to the "water king"? With me humming a song, it counted and the flooding stopped. I hope all of them are that easy. Going up the stairs we find that they are loose, sadly we find out the hard way. The youngest pink bunny, Jeff, fell down into the dark underworld of the stairs. All we heard was a splash and a thud when he hit the bottom.

Monday, November 28, 2011


I have the worst song to have stuck in your head, stuck in my head! It's just a constant reel of song in my head. The elder bunny is getting angered because I keep humming it through the halls and then it echos. Animal Crackers is the best movie ever!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

The Penn state scandal; almost everyone has heard about it. Retired coach, Paterno is accused of sexually abusing a ten year old child. Laws requiring the reporting of suspected child sex abuse apply to teachers, health care workers and social workers .Not the family members or friends who are in the best position to know or suspect what’s going on. Sexual abuse to a kid is taken very seriously. There must be adults who notice the unusual, gives-you-the-creeps behavior of the molesting adult. In this case it was the assistant coach. He then  got in trouble for not stopping Paterno. Paterno needs to be held responsible for his actions.


This tower is apparently owned by this evil dog looking thing. The first trap is just getting in! The door is a maze that you have to get this metal ball through, but the ball keeps disappearing into these magical holes and reappears in a new spot in the maze. This will take a while...

Monday, November 21, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

"Follow your dreams". That is what a 61 year old "granddaddy" is doing. When he was younger he was a kicker for his high school football team. He then went on to the Vietnam War, and left his kicking dream behind. Now he has grand kids that come and watch him play college football for the Eagles. Everyone thought he was just another college student. Until he takes of his helmet you wouldn't notice that he has gray hair and is 61 years old. He is a true hero who served his country, came back and followed his dreams.


Max is the stupidest genius ever. He is a genius because, well he is a talking bunny who knows chemistry and he is only 2 years old. He is stupid because he is trapped in a tower that has 8 traps and is slowly filling with water. Max is a special kind of bunny, but getting trapped in a 100 foot tower, not the brightest. 

Friday, November 18, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Occupy wall street people are just college students who think that everyone needs to pay for their college loans. Some people are doing it just to say they did it, others think they are "helping". What they are really doing is hurting businesses that they were trying to "help". Whenever talking about this you always have to put " " around "helping". The police are working overtime and the businesses are laying off workers because of the stupidity of the Occupiers.  The government is doing nothing to stop them, even some democratic congressmen are telling them "go to the protest, I will be there". Some teachers are even bringing their kids to the protests thinking it is a good idea but really they just wanted to protest. They don't even know what they are protesting anymore! They need to just leave while we try to rebuild everything they tore down!


I see Max!!! of course he is in a tower 100 feet in the air but he is in the window! Seeing him up there in the tower brings up memories of when I first saw him. He was hopping away from this giant dog and I couldn't keep my eyes off him, I scooped him up away from the dog and probably saved his life. The first thing he said was "thank you my friend".

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Mr. B and a article

This mirror is super cool! It has a web cam that captures variations in reflected light on your face, and an algorithm translates that into heartbeats. It can tell you your heartbeat just by looking at you. It is reliable to the extent that you will trust it. For people with heart conditions, this mirror could come in handy.    


Max! I found his trail! in the clouds are little bunny tracks, the look a bit small but Max probably lost weight. Max definitely was here, but how long ago?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Mr. B and a video:

This new table is interactive and allows you to do stuff that would be harder on a laptop. This table is really cool because it allows you to play with pictures and videos on the table. It is a table that is a smart phone pretty much. You can do everything on this table and make it look really, really cool. These tables are the new technology that brings us closer to the future.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

The 'occupy' citizens deserve to be evicted. They took out giant loans and when they got out of college they couldn't pay them off, so they think everyone else should pay it for them! It is crazy and stupid to think that this is the way this generation will act. It doesn't help that the government will do practically nothing to get rid of them. Their whole plan has gone backwards, they are killing the small business owners and putting their money in the same large banks that they  wanted to take down at the beginning. They make no sense and need to go!


I am having the worst day ever! It is so bad that no one wants to be near me and I don't blame them. I just want to find Max and get out of here because I need to leave.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Veterans in jail; most people don't always picture them together. Even veterans who served our country are subject to law. They will serve their time and come out still a veteran. They still should be treated with respect and honor since the did serve but they still committed a crime and will have to live with it for the rest of their lives. They should be treated as a veteran of The United States of America!


We need to find a way to get to the castle. The elder noticed and inscription on the wall of the door way, it read " to get across is to sacrifice everything." We will get there after we figure out what it means.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Mr.B and an article:

"Practice makes perfect", that's what everyone always said. To me it is more on the lines of  "perfect practice makes perfect". If you try long enough at something and really try your hardest you would have a good shot at making it. It would take a while to master it, but in the end you would have something that you know you put time into and got something you liked out of it. Put in good time, get good out.


We combined all the ingredients together:
  • Peach pits
  • Juice from 3 apples
  • Something of the person (clump of fur)
  • A cork
When we were done the cork floated out of the clay bowl in the center of the room and floated to one of the doors, this door was the 6th from the left. It took all our might to pry open the magic door, behind was this floating world on top of a fluffy purple cloud. It had a castle with vines growing all around; more gardens then anything you could grow! The question is; how do we get there?

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Mr. B found this really cool article about GOOGLE+. It is a lot like the Facebook as it is a media/social center. The difference with this is it allows you to group your friends and family away from people you don't really want to know everything about you. This may not over take Facebook but it will be used probably a lot more than most people would think. GOOGLE+ may just be easier to use and probably be a little bit safer for what you put out into the social world.


Well we finally got to the end, it opens into this very wide room. The walls have these cave like drawings and recipes for what look to be spells! There are spells for everything that could be imagined! One of these is for finding a lost one... I think I will use that one to track down Max in the labyrinth of passage ways extending from the main room, there are exactly 8 passage ways. There is only enough stuff to make the one potion/spell... Max this better work!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Mr. B has told us to talk about stuff on the news, everything he has chosen is a waste of government time in my mind. The only thing that is close to being helpful is getting kids into programming. Everything else just needs to sit on the side lines.


We have been running down this hole for 3 days now! This is the longest tunnel ever; if max was down here he couldn't be that far, could he? On top of being in a bunny hole from doom, I am also sick. My coughs echo down the bunny hole that goes up, down and all around. Max I'm coming, just a bit slower than I thought I would be.

Friday, November 4, 2011


The bunny hole was dark and very small. You would think it would be like Alice in Wonderland but it wasn't.There was nomad man and weird cat, there was just bunny tracks and a few sparkles of color. This means he must have come when it was raining. This tunnel was going to take forever to run down... Might as well start! Max I'm coming!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


When we came out of the daze the wall was dissolved. We stepped over it gingerly, we didn't want to slip.On the other side of the wall was this bunny hole, no surprise there. I sent the older bunny down 1st, he yelled back all clear and the others jumped down, I was last with only a few supplies. What is down there that I haven't seen? Was Max alive and well down there? Only one way to find out...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This little boy wants to be a girl and believes himself to be a girl, I think it may be the moms fault. He should be what he wants to be though.


OK all the bunnies are here, I picked one of every age that came back on time. We spread the powder in a circle around everyone gathered in front of the wall and stomped on it until it was in the air, we then blew it all over the wall. It slowly came down, tumbling and churning until it was a pile of mush. That all I remember before we all fainted.

Monday, October 31, 2011


MU-HA-HA-HA HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! And it rained/ snowed so i got my blue foot powder! But then I noticed i needed 4 other bunnies and they are all on vacation but they do come back tomorrow thankfully. Fred the snake is keeping me company until they come back.

Friday, October 28, 2011


It hasn't rained yet!!! But it may snow and all, I don't know if melting snow would work either? I still haven't found Max. Ive eaten all the peach jam i can and even some raspberry ice tea but nothing seems to help my wandering mind. I think I may never find Max in this world. :-(

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I'm waiting for the rain to start. I need to get to Max before he does anything rash. I guess when you have a broken bunny heart you just get all mopey. I thought it would rain a bit yesterday actually but it just got blustery which was nice for reading outside but not for getting blue foot powder!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I am good for today, no rain sadly but I haven't finished my book yet either. The weather man said maybe on the rain but i had another idea. We collect rain water in jugs and maybe splashing that on their feet would work. I will have to try it later because all the bunnies are out collecting peaches for peach jam. Even though they are not in season, somehow they managed to grow a forest of them in a cave... I don't know how they grew them in a cave but somehow they have peach and strawberry jam constantly.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well apparently dripping water on feet does not work. There must be something in the rain water, I just don't know what. I am starting to really miss Max and his unusual character. He loves sneaking up behind people and tazering them. I owe him a tazer come to think of it. I'm just plain worried now though.If I finish this book I'm reading before it rains I may just have a heart attack.

Monday, October 24, 2011


It may rain Thursday so I will wait until then. I need it to rain for Maxs' sake, I haven't seen him since last Tuesday pretty much. I have an idea though, i may simulate rain and collect the foot dust. I really hope it will work. I don't want to be eating muffins with peach jam alone!

Friday, October 21, 2011


I am about to delve into computer stuffs. In chapter six is all about output devices. For example headphones, printers, and different types of monitors and screens. Output devices are ways for other people to see or hear what is on the computer. Headphones are the exception to that, they allow one person to silently listen to videos and music.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I went to talk to the elder bunny, Elder Magh. He said I have to make a paste of wild berries and only blue rainbow dust. This is going to be really hard because i have to wait for the rain again. I will just have to collect more clues before it rains.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I am going to go into the forest later. The Jam trail I followed just got washed away by the rain but thankfully his feet put out some sparkles because the jam trail got messed up. I followed into the woods until I found the wall of thorns. I heard about this wall, only so many people know about it. I need to go talk to one of the elder bunnies to find out how to pass the wall safely.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Max is heart broken and has disappeared into his hideout that I don't know the location of. I've followed a jam trail to the woods so I know it goes in there, but after that ,the jumping jelly beans licked up the trail. Tomorrow I shall go in and search more. I will find Max and mend the broken heart.

Monday, October 17, 2011


For the chocolate lovers extreme my birthday cake was for you. My mom made a cake that was 6 layers alternating chocolate cake, chocolate mouse, covered in chocolate frosting with chocolate curls on top! It was amazing! That cake had about 3 pounds of butter and 4 pounds of sugar and chocolate. It is a heart stopper, literally!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Its raining yayayayay! Whenever it is raining the pink bunnies turn rainbow, it is sooooo cool! When the dance around ,rainbow dust explodes from their feet and sparkles fly from their ears. After tea they all go and dance a lively jig that makes everyone smile when they see it. Sadly most people don't get to see them dance. The reason they dance is to make everything seem more happy. When it is barely raining the rainbow powder floats to the sky and makes a RAINBOW!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


So my Birthday wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, but i still had fun. Max is missing again for some reason. I'm a little curious where he goes every morning.But i do believe i will figure it out by maybe January if I'm lucky. I am going to become a detective!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


It's my Birthday!!! It's (so far) been a really good one. Max gave me a necklace, it is made out of pink pearls :) I'M SOOOOO HAPPY! My twin and I are going to go out to eat later. She isnt really my twin but we were born on the same day and are best friends!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This also has nothing to do with talking bunnies but it is very funny and makes people watch it over and over and over again. I just think the kitty is cute. The guy is just CREEPY though, it goes good with Halloween.

Friday, October 7, 2011


I get to see Max later. He really liked his present! His eyes got all bug eyed and he sort of got speechless. I am pretty proud of my skills on that. He said he would get me something extra special for my b-day  :) I'm the one super excited now. yay!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


This has absolutely nothing and i mean nothing to do with talking pink bunnies. This video is just plain funny and makes you a little embarassed to watch it. I am very sorry if anyone is a Will Shatner fan.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Max is the bestest bunny friend ever! I got him his birthday present for tomorrow and he can't wait! My birthday is exactly 6 days after his so he said he got me something special =) I  LOOOOOVE  this month and everything it brings. I got Max a new bunny hole light that is a disco light and I also got him a Pool table with pink felt and cherry wood! I know he is gonna love it!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I got in a giant fight with max and all his bunny friends. Who knew bunnies could be so rude and mean! oh well we worked it out between me and max but not his bunny friends, only a few like me, i will perservere and overcome!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Its a rainy day and i couldn't find Max anywhere! He said he would meet me with all his other bunny friends but they were there but he wasn't. I was sort of bummed but its a Monday and rainy so its just as likely he stayed home and didn't listen to anything i said... would not shock me. I had a crumpet for breakfast with peachy jam and a really big cup of mango juice.

Friday, September 30, 2011


Today, well nothing is gonna happen, or at least  i hope nothing. Today will be a boring Friday with no bunny or party or anything and I'm sort of happy about that. Today will be normal. Pink bunnies or not it will be a happy day... I think. I think everyone is feeling a bit low.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Max decided to leave me for a week so I wont get to see him today. He was going to go talk to his friends about coming to the party, I sort of wonder how many pink bunnies are there and how they turned pink. I mean every kid believes there is something strange out there but no one really can describe why. My friend discovered pink unicorns is Iceland  and on a reserve in England but there had never really been anything in the US. Now we have pink bunnies who are amazing at talking to everyone! We have something magical to brag about. I wonder if any are evil and pink?! Like the bunny in Monty Python!!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This is a cartoon version of Max the bunny. I was talking to max today and we somehow got on the subject of Halloween :) I loooove Halloween. Max and I are gonna have a party with the help of our friend Alli. We are gonna go to her house, eat a bunch of candy and play poker with candy! I think the main dish at our bunny party will be my pretzel fingers! Max's purple bunny friend may come all dressed up... I think he is super excited to spend more time with all of us together, i just hope we all get along.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


So today i was talking to a friend of a friend and apparently Max has a crush on a purple bunny down the street. I don't know the bunny that well but i was texting her last night. She seems okay i guess. Max helped me with my homework, then we had some steak and watched football. It was a somewhat boring night.

Monday, September 26, 2011


My computer science teacher, Mr.B, he has no pink bunny friend. His life is not complete. You would think he would want a pink bunny but he is perfectly content, on the outside. HE HAS NO BUNNY FRIEND, AND IT IS HURTING HIM ON THE INSIDE!!!  Mr. B will deny it all the same. Poor Mr.B.


Max the bunny is the one who started my obsession with pink bunnies. Every Thursday at noon we would have a pick nick under the purple people eater tree (no monsters though). Max is well the coolest bunny you will ever meet. If you have a pink bunny friend, you know how cool they are. :)


When I first saw a pink bunny, I admit I was a little scared but he was the coolest bunny ever! He gave me a cup of tea and an English muffin with peach jam. His name was Max.