Monday, October 31, 2011


MU-HA-HA-HA HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! And it rained/ snowed so i got my blue foot powder! But then I noticed i needed 4 other bunnies and they are all on vacation but they do come back tomorrow thankfully. Fred the snake is keeping me company until they come back.

Friday, October 28, 2011


It hasn't rained yet!!! But it may snow and all, I don't know if melting snow would work either? I still haven't found Max. Ive eaten all the peach jam i can and even some raspberry ice tea but nothing seems to help my wandering mind. I think I may never find Max in this world. :-(

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I'm waiting for the rain to start. I need to get to Max before he does anything rash. I guess when you have a broken bunny heart you just get all mopey. I thought it would rain a bit yesterday actually but it just got blustery which was nice for reading outside but not for getting blue foot powder!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I am good for today, no rain sadly but I haven't finished my book yet either. The weather man said maybe on the rain but i had another idea. We collect rain water in jugs and maybe splashing that on their feet would work. I will have to try it later because all the bunnies are out collecting peaches for peach jam. Even though they are not in season, somehow they managed to grow a forest of them in a cave... I don't know how they grew them in a cave but somehow they have peach and strawberry jam constantly.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well apparently dripping water on feet does not work. There must be something in the rain water, I just don't know what. I am starting to really miss Max and his unusual character. He loves sneaking up behind people and tazering them. I owe him a tazer come to think of it. I'm just plain worried now though.If I finish this book I'm reading before it rains I may just have a heart attack.

Monday, October 24, 2011


It may rain Thursday so I will wait until then. I need it to rain for Maxs' sake, I haven't seen him since last Tuesday pretty much. I have an idea though, i may simulate rain and collect the foot dust. I really hope it will work. I don't want to be eating muffins with peach jam alone!

Friday, October 21, 2011


I am about to delve into computer stuffs. In chapter six is all about output devices. For example headphones, printers, and different types of monitors and screens. Output devices are ways for other people to see or hear what is on the computer. Headphones are the exception to that, they allow one person to silently listen to videos and music.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I went to talk to the elder bunny, Elder Magh. He said I have to make a paste of wild berries and only blue rainbow dust. This is going to be really hard because i have to wait for the rain again. I will just have to collect more clues before it rains.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


I am going to go into the forest later. The Jam trail I followed just got washed away by the rain but thankfully his feet put out some sparkles because the jam trail got messed up. I followed into the woods until I found the wall of thorns. I heard about this wall, only so many people know about it. I need to go talk to one of the elder bunnies to find out how to pass the wall safely.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Max is heart broken and has disappeared into his hideout that I don't know the location of. I've followed a jam trail to the woods so I know it goes in there, but after that ,the jumping jelly beans licked up the trail. Tomorrow I shall go in and search more. I will find Max and mend the broken heart.

Monday, October 17, 2011


For the chocolate lovers extreme my birthday cake was for you. My mom made a cake that was 6 layers alternating chocolate cake, chocolate mouse, covered in chocolate frosting with chocolate curls on top! It was amazing! That cake had about 3 pounds of butter and 4 pounds of sugar and chocolate. It is a heart stopper, literally!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Its raining yayayayay! Whenever it is raining the pink bunnies turn rainbow, it is sooooo cool! When the dance around ,rainbow dust explodes from their feet and sparkles fly from their ears. After tea they all go and dance a lively jig that makes everyone smile when they see it. Sadly most people don't get to see them dance. The reason they dance is to make everything seem more happy. When it is barely raining the rainbow powder floats to the sky and makes a RAINBOW!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


So my Birthday wasn't as fun as I thought it would be, but i still had fun. Max is missing again for some reason. I'm a little curious where he goes every morning.But i do believe i will figure it out by maybe January if I'm lucky. I am going to become a detective!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


It's my Birthday!!! It's (so far) been a really good one. Max gave me a necklace, it is made out of pink pearls :) I'M SOOOOO HAPPY! My twin and I are going to go out to eat later. She isnt really my twin but we were born on the same day and are best friends!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


This also has nothing to do with talking bunnies but it is very funny and makes people watch it over and over and over again. I just think the kitty is cute. The guy is just CREEPY though, it goes good with Halloween.

Friday, October 7, 2011


I get to see Max later. He really liked his present! His eyes got all bug eyed and he sort of got speechless. I am pretty proud of my skills on that. He said he would get me something extra special for my b-day  :) I'm the one super excited now. yay!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


This has absolutely nothing and i mean nothing to do with talking pink bunnies. This video is just plain funny and makes you a little embarassed to watch it. I am very sorry if anyone is a Will Shatner fan.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Max is the bestest bunny friend ever! I got him his birthday present for tomorrow and he can't wait! My birthday is exactly 6 days after his so he said he got me something special =) I  LOOOOOVE  this month and everything it brings. I got Max a new bunny hole light that is a disco light and I also got him a Pool table with pink felt and cherry wood! I know he is gonna love it!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I got in a giant fight with max and all his bunny friends. Who knew bunnies could be so rude and mean! oh well we worked it out between me and max but not his bunny friends, only a few like me, i will perservere and overcome!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Its a rainy day and i couldn't find Max anywhere! He said he would meet me with all his other bunny friends but they were there but he wasn't. I was sort of bummed but its a Monday and rainy so its just as likely he stayed home and didn't listen to anything i said... would not shock me. I had a crumpet for breakfast with peachy jam and a really big cup of mango juice.