Friday, December 16, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Scott Hall, a professional wrestler, abuses drugs.  He has gone to rehab ten times. His ex-wife says he is addicted to wrestling as much as he is to cocaine and alcohol. Because of all this he goes to hospitals constantly. He is also on eleven different medications and has a pacemaker to regulate his heart. All of this is because he abused drugs. His friends expected him to die for years, he just never would.
His son now wants to be a professional wrestler. Just without the drugs and steroids like his father used. Cody Hall wants  to set an example of how with effort and without drugs you can become your dream. Scott Hall is very proud of his son. He just only wishes that he was there more when he was younger. Now Cody is getting trained by Scott, and learning all his best moves.

Scott Hall
Cody Hall

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Josiah, a little baby boy, has the body age of a ten year old, but is still the size of a one year old. Only 13 kids in the world have this disease. Only fifteen and a half pounds this little boy loves baseball. Everyday he asks his family to play baseball. One day he asked the coach of the local little league to let him play. He hit the ball and ran as fast as he could to first base. Now he plays for his team, the white socks, and everyone knows who he is. At the final game over 1,000 people came to watch or play with Josiah. Even though he has this disability he still plays his dream and he will until it hits the end. When people yell and chant his name, he constantly smiles. Josiah has led many people to believe that they can do anything, and you can.

~Josiah Playing his dream sport~


Hahahaha... Christmas memories , Claymation Christmas- Singing camels

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Work to ride. This program allowed some boys from the streets of a bad neighborhood to come and ride horses. They didn't just ride, they played polo. When people think of polo, people think rich. In this case, it was some poor boys. They had no where to train and barely any tack supplies. Yet they started to beat other teams.

They had their hardships though. One of the best players on the team was shot dead at her house right after polo practice. Then the team captain got into drugs and landed jail time. Yet they still made it to the nationals and beat a polo team from a fancy club in Baltimore. This just goes to show you what can happen when you put your mind to something and strive to achieve it.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Women should be seen and heard. In Jerusalem, women can not be seen alone or be seen not wearing the full outfit that covers everything but their eyes. Women should be heard, not be painted over if their is a picture of a woman on a bus. Some women here dress a little "uncovered", but not to the extreme that they have to be. There they have no rights, here we have more than almost all countries combined. It is almost unfair to compare the two. They need to have more rights, hopefully in the next few years.

Monday, December 12, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

Distracted drivers. more that 3,000 deaths from texting and driving or talking while driving. almost half of teens text behind the wheel. When you are texting it means you aren't looking at the road. Most people believe they can control what they are doing but you really can't. Driving and not paying attention is a very bad idea. Don't drive and text people. It's that simple!

This church has it right...

Friday, December 9, 2011


Mr. b and an article:

Virginia Tech is visited by another crazed gun man. The gun man shot one student and another police man. The police man "was covered in blood, and I don't know if it was from his head, his face or what exactly..." Says a freshman at VT. The police man left behind a wife and five children, all very young. Some say that when the gun man came and started shooting, some people went out to their cars to get a weapon because they aren't allowed on campus, that is when one student was shot in the parking lot. It may have been the gun man was trying to take his car and the student wouldn't allow it. He fled on foot and has not been found yet. The campus lock down has just been lifted and a vigil will be held for the police man and the student.


I took the middle way, we just randomly picked ways. The hall way I took was very dark, with only the trail of sparkling dust at my feet to guide me. We walked a long way until I bumped into a wall. I  guess mine was a dead end.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

The Mythbusters are in the hot seat. They were trying out a new cannon and it was supposed to hit some trashcans. Instead it hit a house! The owner of the house is amazed. Who wouldn't be, he had a cannonball go through his house. Mythbusters in an amazing show but they need to work on their aim!


Nothing to do with anything, except Christmas....  Digital Christmas Story!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

School rejects a 13- year old  honor student with HIV. The school said he was a "direct threat". The student says, " I'm not a threat to anyone". In this PA school, they are worried that he will have sex with a girl and pass along the HIV virus. Ronda Goldfein, lawyer for the student, goes on CNN to talk about this case and how other cases like this  have happened before. This should never happen to a child. If I was the kid I would almost feel ashamed, but I think I would be more outraged.

This is the school in PA that is not allowing this child in.


The cork ran into a wall, I guess the corks' power is lingering. We pulled back on the doors intricate handle made from pure bronze. Behind it were 3 path ways. One was pink, one was blue, the other was silver. The cork dropped into the bowl at our feet. It officially died. We had 3 people/ bunnies left. Everyone take a path, i don't know how this will work out.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Mr.B and an article:

Wearing your tent... What will be next.  Police all over the U.S. have been tearing down occupiers' tents. Now the occupiers are wearing their tents so they can't tear them down. What is happening to society and or government that we now allow such foolish and stupid acts to go on. The police just need to arrest them and their tents for disturbing the peace and get them out of our parks and malls for this Christmas season. This occupy has officially taken a fatal turn, one occupier was already found dead of  unknown causes in his tent. How far will this thing go?


The trap door is well, stuck. We may need some WD40 or just some serious bunny power.... Eventually we got it open. It was really bright at first, then it went pitch black. They did this new light dance. It went from dark to bright pink light! Its amazing how these actually work. I can't remember how many days or even how many traps we have gone through. This should be fun.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

"Church bans interracial marriage." Stella S. Harville is trying to marry an African- American and are now being banned from church. This is taking place in Indiana, there the pastor has decided that he won't marry them. They voted 9-6 for this idea. The new pastor isn't in favor of this and there will be another vote but the idea that they won't marry you just because you are of a different race is wacky. You should be able to marry whoever you want. No  matter what their race.


Reaching the end of the universe is an achievement, but we still are far away from Max. Well the end of the universe, looks like the end. The only thing here is a diner... I think I'll pass. There isn't anything special but if you go to the back of the diner there is a trap door, I think that is meant for us. Yes I am channeling Spaceball the movie.

Friday, December 2, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

What is really cool is that in England, EBAY has a pop up store. This store has all you can want in it. They all have tags with qr codes. What you do, is you take a picture on your smart phone or ipad, it goes to EBAY and there you can change the color and size of what you want. The have gifts for men and women and even for the whole family. Once you buy it, it can be shipped to your door before Christmas. Shopping this way seems to be a new, popular thing.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Mr. B and an article:

"Three teens save drowning toddler," This is what is on Prime Time News. These teens were just fishing along the canal when they noticed a drowning 3-year old who had wandered from his backyard. These teenagers should be commended for their life saving actions. When asked how they felt about what they did they just said,"I'm happy we were here and not playing video games". Johnny Grail and Antonio Ezzo, both 14, and Michael Dusek, 17, are becoming big stars for saving the boys life. The toddler is doing just fine now.


Well crossing the universe is easier than you would think. The elder bunny, Aaron, found a giant-bubble-blowing-giant; sweet isn't it. We had the giant, blow bubbles around us so that we could float. As long as we don't run into any stars or space debris we should be fine. So far we have been in the bubble, traveling at "ludicrous" speed for 18 hours. We should reach the end in a couple of days.

Amazing how Spaceballs the movie comes in handy.